Speech 2 Dry Run #1 – https://youtu.be/diWCpfMF3xo
Speech 2 Dry Run #2 – https://youtu.be/vDxcK-0hSxg
Thoughts on Dry Runs:
I believe my 2 dry runs went okay, but my delivery needs to improve for the actual speech. I think my volume was loud enough to be heard and I believe I spoke at a decent pace, however, I need to work on eye contact, reading from the paper less, and being less monotone. My eye contact was poor for both of my dry runs, I failed to look around much and I believe keeping steady eye contact with the audience will help to improve the delivery of my speech. I also read from my paper a lot as well which is not okay, it shows that I am not as prepared as I can be and if I want to do my best while giving my speech, I will need to have my speech memorized more. My voice was also quite monotone and I didn’t give the audience much to listen to, it was quite boring in that regard and I will need to work on “jazzing up” my delivery if I want to really engage the audience. Also, I believe that doing these dry runs in class really helped for preparation because it gave me a chance to try and get some of my nervous jitters out before the actual day and allowed me to practice in front of an unbiased group of people.